Scenario: An unknown female suspect approached an elderly woman in the parking lot of a local shopping plaza claiming to have a winning lottery ticket. The female suspect went onto say that she was an illegal immigrant and could not claim the winnings unless she had a Canadian citizen present who must also have assets to prove citizenship. As a result of this elaborate scam the elderly female subsequently provided cash to the suspects with the hope of receiving some of the winnings in exchange for her assistance. The two suspects upon receipt of the money from the victim conveniently made their exit. The suspects preyed on the good nature and vulnerability of the victim.
Suspects Description:
Female: 5’2 heavier set 50-60yrs,wrinkles on her face, shoulder length dark curly hair female spoke with a Spanish accent. Wearing a sun hat a woven thatch-type material light in color, numerous pieces of jewelry (watch and bracelets on her left arm and bracelets with charms on her right arm), dark blouse and pants. She was also in possession of a large purse shiny black in color with silver decorations on it.
Male: 35 yrs very short ( possibly shorter than 5 ft) with a round face, short dark brown hair wearing a collared shirt and blue jeans (faded at the knees) . Male spoke with a heavy accent and stated he was Greek.
It appears this is a well planned scenario as the female suspect was in possession of a lottery ticket with a phone number displayed. The male casually joins in and appears to be willing to assist and produces a large sum of money. The two suspects then call the number displayed and the call taker confirms information required giving a sense of legitimacy to this scenario.
Anyone who may have seen persons matching the above noted description in the Ladner area specifically the 5200 blk 48th Ave (Trenant Park Square) and 4800 blk Elliott St (Harbour Center Mall) between 2:30 and 4:00 p.m. are asked to call the Delta Police (604) 946-4411 quoting the file number 10-14333.
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