Issue Missing in Action in Upcoming by-election

The rhetoric gets thrown around and the issues that get traction begin to polarize the voters. Or so we think. This by-election the fight has been on the Southlands and the South Fraser Perimeter Road. Of course the Provincial Government waited for the slow summer months to announce that the road would take a year longer to build and the Tsawwassen Area Plan that had more controversy that a papal succession sent it's recommendations to council at the end of August and you have your the reason why the never-ending Southlands, SFPR hyperbole seems to be dominating this entire campaign.
So what have we been missing throughout this election cycle?
Sand. No, not the sand that the people at Burns Bog are sending to Shirley Bond to protest the fill that is polluting the bog to accommodate the South Fraser Road. I'm talking silt, right here in River City (sorry I couldn't resist),and lots of it. It has been on my radar and I have attended a few meetings and done a ton of research on the dredging that is so desperately needed in Ladner Harbour, but I have to admit that I have been distracted by the "Battle Royale" taking place in Tsawwassen. It's what we in the media like to call, "low hanging fruit."
It was an email that I received from Kathleen Higgins earlier today that re-opened my eyes to this very important issue. After meeting this week with people concerned about sediment build-up in Ladner Harbour, Kathleen reminded me that, "a revitalization of Ladner Harbour must include ensuring that Ladner Harbour will have adequate water depth to remain a harbour," she went on to say, "because a land mass was built after the 1954 flood in order to prevent flooding in Ladner, the reduced water flow has contributed to the increasing sediment build up. It is now up to 4 centimeters per year, and is increasing each year. The ironic part is that the sediment could contribute to future flooding as the floor of the harbour is raised by the sediment."
Dredging needs to occur as soon as possible. A recent study concluded that encouraging more water flow through the harbour, but with flood gates that could be closed if necessary, would be the best long term solution to the challenge. Funding from the federal government is needed for this project. More publicity is needed for this issue. The situation is getting worse each year.
Whatever the outcome of today's election, it is unlikely that this will be an issue that encourages people to get out and vote. Hopefully, it won't take another 4 centimeters to make people take notice.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. You're absolutely right and it's about time people in all of Delta paid attention to us in Ladner. I know that Ian Patton was elected because he's supposed to be a farmer and because he's from Ladner (sort of) but I don't think he has any idea at all about we actually think here. We've been squeezed by densification and all those ridiculous coach houses Mayor Jackson seems to love so much. How come nobody ever talks about the fact we've also only got one way to leave Ladner to get out of town? How long have they had to sit in a line up to turn onto hwy 17? It's ridiculous and while I'd like to think Ian Paton will care, I doubt he will because he's alligned himself with Lois Jackson and her DIVA group. 3 who are from North Delta and 1 from Tsawwassen. Big deal.
ReplyDeleteI've also read that Mayor Jackson recently informed people that there won't be a public boardwalk along the waterfront because the developers won't give them access. What??? Who are these developers and if they won't let us have our boardwalk then don't let them build. Can you people at Delta Free Press find out who the developers are so we can start letting them know we here in Ladner will be mad.
I think it's about time those of us in Ladner start speaking out like those people do in Tsawwassen. We need the harbor to be dredged and we need to have a public baordwalk like we were promised. Seems like this council only pays attention to people who shout at them so let's start doing it too Ladner. I for one am tired af being walked all over on.