Can the citizens really count on the College of Physicians and Surgeons to come up with ideas to solve the doctor shortage? The people need some concrete policies and a plan of action but this is slow in coming.
This column will propose five simple solutions to address the critical shortage of doctors in British Columbia.
First, priority medical school admission can be granted to applicants who agree to work a specific period of time in rural and under-serviced regions. The medical students can receive 100% student loan forgiveness if they complete this employment requirement after graduation. Once a doctor is established and has built roots in a community it is more likely that they will be committed to their patients and not leave these under-serviced regions.
Second, the government can allow for a market adjustment of doctors fees in rural areas. This will create a financial incentive for doctors to establish their practices in rural areas. All doctors can receive a professional salary or fee schedule for their work. In addition, doctors who work in rural or isolated areas can receive a bonus based on the supply and demand of doctors in their region.
Third, the provincial government can offer significantly more residency spots for foreign trained doctors. These doctors can take a short course that provides an orientation to the British Columbia health care system. In addition, doctors from non-English speaking countries can be required to pass an English language exam that focuses on necessary medical terminology.
Fourth, the government can increase the scope of practice of Nurse Practitioners. These nurses can perform most of the duties of a general practitioner but at lower cost. This will help alleviate the pressure on the health care system and allow hospitals and clinics to save a lot of money in salaries.
Last, the government can build a new medical school and increase the total number of medical school spaces. The key is to keep the doctors in British Columbia after they graduate. It might be a good idea to give BC residents a priority in medical school admission since they may have an intrinsic attachment to their home province. The government can also improve the working conditions, hours, and benefits of doctors. It may be best for this to be a long term goal when there is a sufficient supply of physicians and specialists.
The above solutions are simple ideas that can be put into practice. All that is needed is the will of our political leaders.
In regards to reducing wait lists and crowding at hospital emergency rooms and doctors offices; the government can set up an “online screening” system. Patients can initially talk to a nurse, doctor, or specialist on the internet via Skype, for example, to screen patients with superficial or serious medical issues.
Medical professionals can be paid for this instant online consultation. The internet and other forms of modern technology can be used to help improve the health care experience for British Columbians.
Alex Sangha, BSW (UBC), MSc (London School of Economics)
Registered Social Worker
Author - The Enlightened Society Blog
All of these are excellent ideas!
ReplyDeleteTo my knowledge there are thousands of International medical graduates awaiting residency position in Canada. They have done all the exams in Canada and has proven that they meet the requirements expected by Canadian medical Council. They have to pay for these exams and If they do not go by the results of these exams it is unethical to get them pay and sit for these exams.
ReplyDeleteI think there has to be country wide censes to count the number of International medical graduates who idling with out a job. May be CaRMS or LMCC has some stats.
ReplyDeleteI liked the idea of this article but I think Mr. Sangara missed another important fact about the shortage of doctors at clinics. I went to a local clinic the other day and it was clossing at noon when it usually syats open until 5pm. I asked the receptionist why and she told me the clinic had seen it's limit of patients for the day. Can you believe that medical clinics have quotas for patients. I guess you can only be sick in a slow weekend in this province
ReplyDeleteGood idea. But the College is insisting on a 4-5 year residency for international medical doctors. Not exactly a 'short course'. Many consider this racist.
ReplyDeleteTo change this, please visit and join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/AssociationForAccessToHealthCareServices
Jerry Green, MD