It was revealed Friday afternoon that electronic submissions of the survey were changing responses from “no uses other than agricultural” to “allowing a limited amount of urban development”. After repeated attempts by citizens to get the correct response recorded, Mr. Konkin admitted there was a problem with the website recording information from the electronic submissions. The explanation offered was an “in-house” problem stemming from a “learning curve” with the technology associated with on-line submission.
Many residents expressed their displeasure with the current process and their loss of confidence in Staff and Council’s ability accurately gather public information on this issue. “The amount of time and cost to the taxpayers to collect information that is deemed inaccurate and irrelevant is inconceivable” said Dana Maslovat, one of the organizers of Southlands the Facts, “I don’t see how Staff and Council can expect the community to trust in a process that is so deeply and obviously flawed.”
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