At a March 26th meeting requested by the grassroots, citizen-based organization Southlands the Facts held with Delta Staff and Councillors, a request was made to include a referendum-type question on the upcoming by-election ballot. However no mention of this request has appeared in Council minutes prior to April 12. “A simple, clear, yes or no question regarding the Southlands designation would be the most appropriate way to determine where public opinion is on this issue” said one of the organizers of Southlands the Facts, “Given there is likely an upcoming by-election and this process can be run without cost to the taxpayers, I cannot understand why Council would not support this request”.
The potential re-designation of the Southlands agricultural land to accommodate a housing development is by far the most contentious component of the process undertaken to revise the existing Tsawwassen Area Plan. Any redesignation will change the Official Community Plan and open up the Southlands for a 1900 unit housing development by Century Holdings.
This piece of farmland was the cause of the longest public hearing in Commonwealth history and a resident run plebiscite in 1989, which prevented a 2000 unit development that was proposed for the same property.
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